
  • India is a country with a diverse range of cultural and social groups living together.
  • With each group having its own set of norms, beliefs, customs and practices.
  • With Globalization and other 21st century forces at play, majority of these groups are losing their identity and culture in the process of accommodating and surviving these transformations.
  • The children and youth of India however, are becoming future ready due to major global innovations, but at the same time are losing touch with their roots.
  • These Traditional Indian Knowledge Systems are dying out.
  • With the urban centers getting heavily populated, different groups are interacting with each other on a more intense scale than ever before.
  • However, not all these interactions are peaceful, this is leading to friction and extreme polarization of groups.
  • To add to this confusion, Indian children and youth are getting exposed to a lot of foreign cultural elements.
  • Lastly, there is a plethora of free information available on the internet, all of which is not credible and hence is not digested well by the children and the youth of our country.
  • The main issue is not the content out there, but the lack of skills to identify the right content from the sea of information available out there.


  • The need of the hour is targeted and focused interventions in fostering Cultural Intelligence or Culture Quotient among Indian children and youth through creating Cultural Content and Resources that are Accessible, Affordable and Digestible.
  • Through these resources and content, the children and youth need to be equipped with various skills and mindsets that will allow them to thrive in various multi and cross cultural setups be it in personal or professional life.
  • These skills and mindsets are imperative for making sure that our children and youth grow up to be more empathetic and humble Indian and Global Citizens.
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